Datum: 11.07.2017

Lunch-Debate in the European Parliament

Electricity Market Design: New ways for consumers to engage in the market and the energy transition

Wann: Dienstag, 11. Juli 2017

Raum 11 - vzbv

Do the EU Commission’s proposals allow for consumers to safely and profitably engage with the market? Are the provisions on dynamic tariffs, aggregators, demand-side flexibility and tenants’ access to renewable self-generation enough to leverage the potential and allow consumers to fully participate in the energy transition? We are looking forward to discuss these issues with you.

Date: Tuesday, 11 July 2017 from 12h00-14h00

Location: European Parliament, Room ASP 5G305, Brussels

Registration: To register please send an email to buero-bruessel@vzbv.de until 6 July 2017. In case you do not have an EP access badge, please provide the following details: full name, date of birth, nationality, identification number and type of identification (e.g. ID-card, passport).



12h00 Sandwich-Lunch

12h15 Introduction
Martina Werner MEP


Presentation of legislative proposals
Kai Tullius, Policy Officer, DG Energy, European Commission

Tenant participation in the energy transition          
Barbara Steenbergen, Head of EU office, International Union of Tenants (IUT)

Dynamic markets and the role of consumers
Bianca Barth, Director of Politics, Bund Neue Energiewirtschaft (BNE)

Consumer point of view
Thomas Engelke, Team Leader Energy and Construction, Federation of German Consumer Organisations (vzbv)


13h05 Discussion

13h35 Conclusions
Isabelle Buscke, Team Leader Brussels, Federation of German Consumer Organisations (vzbv)


In November 2016, the European Commission proposed a „New Deal for Consumers“ which is wrapped in a „Clean Energy Package“ containing several Directives and Regulations. In the Electricity Market Directive and the Renewable Energy Directive, the Commission proposes an ambitious overhaul of the market design. Markets should become more flexible and new players should be allowed to participate in the market and interact with consumers. Chief among them are so-called “aggregators” that bring retail energy customers together as a group with the objective of obtaining better prices, service, or other benefits when purchasing energy or related services. These new market dynamics are underpinned by provisions on dynamic tariffs, aggregator access, smart-meter roll-out and other forms of demand-side flexibility. The proposal raises questions about the acceptance of these technologies by consumers and about the costs and benefits they entail for households.

Furthermore, the Commission proposes an acceleration of the transition towards renewable energy. When it comes to investments in decentralised renewable energy, a largely untapped potential can be found in Europe’s tenants. Faced with a myriad of barriers, millions of consumers are effectively prevented from contributing to the energy transition, raising questions about the limits to participation from a societal project of immense magnitude. Are the proposed legislative provisions on tenant access to renewable self-generation sufficient to break down those barriers and allow this large consumer segment to enjoy the benefits of becoming prosumers?

These questions and issues are to be discussed in the framework of this Lunch-Debate.



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Isabelle Buschke

Isabelle Buscke

Leiterin Büro Brüssel

buero-bruessel@vzbv.de +32 278927-52