Proposed legislation on plants obtained by new genomic techniques unacceptable

Statement from vzbv Director of Consumer Policy Michaela Schröder on the proposed legislation on new genetically modified plants

The European Commission has presented a draft legislation on new genetically modified plants. This is intended to regulate the use and marketing of plant products produced by using so-called “new genomic techniques”. The draft had already attracted criticism in its early stages, due in part to the fact it will significantly limit consumer rights.

Michaela Schröder

Credit: Gert Baumbach - vzbv

Michaela Schröder, Director of Consumer Policy at the Federation of German Consumer Organisations (Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband – vzbv) says the following:


“Consumers must be able to decide for themselves whether they want to buy genetically modified food products or not. This freedom of choice now hangs in the balance with this proposal from the European Commission, as the majority of plant products produced by using new methods of genetic engineering will no longer have to be labelled as such in future. Moreover, the European Commission is watering down the risk assessment for these products. The precautionary principle – a pillar of European legislation – is being deliberately disregarded. This means that the draft is combining everything consumers do not want.

The lack of transparency and safety is not acceptable from a consumer perspective. In addition, the European Commission’s suggestion to allow the labelling of genetically modified products with potentially positive properties entails a substantial risk of consumer deception. The members of the European Parliament and the German Federal Government must commit to ensuring that the current legal requirements for genetically modified organisms also apply to new genetic engineering.”

Alles zum Thema: Gentechnik in der Landwirtschaft

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Michaela Schröder

Michaela Schröder

Director Consumer Policy +49 30 25800-0